Part I: Loblaw
food store chain acquisition of Shoppers Drug Mart with apparent intent to drop
Shoppers Home Healthcare division altogether –leaving clients stranded.
Part II: (further
below) Loblaw expresses desire to sell Medical Marijuana through its Shoppers
Drug Store/Loblaw pharmacies.
Part I

You lay down with dogs, you may get some fleas…
In a March 28th, 2014 Globe and Mail[i]
article, Loblaw’ CEO Galen Weston announced that the planned purchase of
Shoppers Drug Mart by Loblaw Supermarket chain, first announced July 15th
has been finalized. The announced cost
of the transaction was $12.4 billion in cash and stocks.
Also, when you buy a company, you acquire all of its subsidiaries (unless specifically excluded from the deal) as was the case with the above transaction. Shoppers Drug Mart brought along Shoppers
Home Healthcare as part of the package deal.
However, it has become apparent that Loblaw wanted Shoppers
only for their pharmaceuticals and had no interest in the greater scope of
their Shoppers Home Healthcare division which, in general, supplied devices and
aids to physically challenged clients. (eg. wheelchairs, oxygen supplies,
walkers, etc.)
Loblaw must have researched Shoppers thoroughly prior to the
purchase and no doubt had extensive knowledge of the extraordinarily poor
performance of the Home Healthcare branch of their business[iii],[iv],[v],[vi]. I suppose they had planned from the start to
divest themselves of the Home Healthcare operation. Rather than improve the deplorable “service”
that Shoppers Home Healthcare provided, they let the operation languish and their
clients suffer in frustration.
If I was purchasing a company, I would demand that all
aspects of its operation were brought up to acceptable standards before making
the purchase. If not, I would make
those changes immediately on purchase so as not to reflect badly on my own
With Loblaw’s first announcement of its intent to purchase
Shoppers Drug Mart (July 15th, 2013), to when the transaction was
finalized (March, 28th, 2014) to when Shoppers Drug Mart (now owned
by Loblaw) was divesting itself of the Shoppers Home Healthcare division of its
operation (March 22nd, 2016)[vii],
a full two years had elapsed –enough time for Loblaw to demand Shoppers Home
Healthcare get its act together or for Loblaw to do it themselves after the
Obviously Loblaw had plans to drop the Shoppers Home
Healthcare division altogether so they expended no finances or energy in
bringing the “service” up to standards or doing right by Shoppers’ clients.
Shame on both Shoppers and Loblaw if the intent was always
to divest itself of the Shoppers Home Healthcare division. They continued to allow poor service to be
offered and failed to give their clients a sufficient ‘heads up’ to locate
alternate healthcare service providers.
However, it’s always about the money, isn’t it….always!
Part II:
This week Loblaw’s CEO Galen Weston announced its intent to
sell medical marijuana through its Loblaw/Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies once
legalized[viii],[ix]. He was quick to point out that only ‘medical’
not ‘recreational’ drug would be stocked.
In that article “Mr.
Weston told shareholders that Loblaw increasingly is focused on bolstering its
healthy (sic) care goods and services.”
(Obviously those goods and services did not include wheelchair and other
disability aids sales and services)
Ontario’s liquor control board’s retail outlet, the LCBO
stores were suggested as a retailer for marijuana however is seems that the
public prefers that alcohol highs and marijuana highs be sold in different
locations. I suppose that ‘highbrow
executives’ don’t want to be seen purchasing their single-malt scotch in the
same store where ‘dudes’ buy their doobies!
But I digress…
My concern is that Loblaw/Shoppers Drug Store pharmacies may
do as poor a job of dispensing ‘medical marijuana’ as it did with providing
service through Shoppers Home Healthcare.
Having had such a poor experience with Shoppers Home Healthcare, I have
no intention of giving Shoppers, and now Loblaw/Shoppers any of my
business. I’m sure many others who felt
abused by Shoppers Home Healthcare feel the same way I do.
Shoppers Home Healthcare under Shoppers parent company had
the sole contract for sales and repairs on articulated wheelchairs (those with
special features such as tilt and elevating mechanisms). I truly hope there will not be a monopoly on
the sales of medical marijuana. If I
were ever to decide to use it to relieve my pain and stiffness, I hope that
Loblaw/Shoppers would be my only source for the medicine.
Lack of competition creates laziness, complacency and stagnation!
I am still curious as to how the entire system is intended
to work once marijuana sales and usage is legalized in Ontario, and Canada as a
whole. Pharmacies will dispense
medically prescribed marijuana. Pot
shops have already sprung up selling a variety of marijuana products to the
general public intended for recreational use.
Finally, will you be able to grow your own as you can brew your own beer
or bottle your own wine? It seems that
you may be able to do so for personal use[x],
at least ‘medical’ marijuana users, otherwise you may be a tax evader. So
why would you go to a pharmacy if you can grow your own unless you wish to
pay the price and the tax for a controlled dosage of THC?
To read of my own frustrations with Shoppers Home Healthcare
and their total lack of anything that remotely resembles service, click HERE to read my post.
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