Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Changing Hats

The preceding posts outline my current frustration with our medical system--how I'm on my fourth doctor in five years and my immediate problems remain unresolved.  I still want to add to the absurdity I experienced with the current medical clinic.

An appointment was made for what I believed would be a "meet & greet" initial session where the doctor and I superficially get to know each other, review current medications, discuss immediate concerns, etc., etc.

I was welcomed by a pleasant young woman who I assumed was a clinical assistant with some medical qualification. We began by discussing all the issues, as above, at some length.  I began to wonder when she would finish and bring me over to meet my new doctor.  It then dawned on me that this interview was my welcome to the new clinic.  I would not meet the doctor.

During my interview with this clinical assistant, I raised the issues of my neurogenic pain and spasms--both severely impacting the simple joy of living.  She suggested I try CBD oil (cannabis derived oil which has no euphoric, psycho-active properties).  Desperate for relief, I agreed.

Days later, I received a phone call regarding the CBD oil trial.  The young lady who questioned me identified herself but it didn't register at the time.  I now suspect it was the same woman who I interviewed me at the meet and greet.  We had gone over all that previously.  If it was her, she should have already known my answers; if not her, then the information I relayed should be in my file.  She then told me that in order to qualify I would have to be interviewed by Doctor so-and-so either in person or by a video conference.  Because of my current mobility difficulties, I chose the video conference.

Now, I'm not a fan of Microsoft's Windows operating system--they should have stopped at Windows-7 (I use Linux).  However, I have a laptop with Windows-12 or something like that.  Though I check all the parameters to the best of my ability, some permission was not set so when the allotted time arrived, I couldn't connect.  I phoned and apologized--now leaving the face-to-face interview with Dr. so-and-so as the remaining option.  I make the appointment.

I bolt on my footrest and make an appointment with disability transport.  I arrive at the clinic expecting to meet Dr. so-and-so but instead am once again greeted by the young lady who interviewed me at the initial meet-and-greet in place of my new doctor--and the person who suggested the CBD oil in the first place (most likely the same who had initially phoned me).

So I'm re-interviewed with the same questions when 1) at the initial meet-and-greet she suggested I try CBD oil; 2) she most likely interviewed me days later by phone, and now 3) I meet her again and not Dr. so-and-so face to face.

I have to wonder, why all this interrogation?  Are they making sure my story holds?  What story--that my legs burn and dance each night for hours on end?  This is not a psycho-active drug.  I can't abuse this or re-sell it as some dope peddler on the black market.

And so I have yet to meet my new family physician and I have yet to meet the cannabinoid doctor.  My only connection to this clinic has been through this clinical assistant, resident, or whatever.  She takes off the family physician hat and puts on the cannabis CBD oil hat.  I have to wonder if she has any other hats in her wardrobe.

I guess you have to show up bleeding or have some appendage dangling before an MD will grant you a face-to-face interview.

My how healthcare has changed

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