I recently retired from my profession as a medical
microbiology laboratory technologist within a community hospital. Sadly, I will miss the pure science, but
certainly not the business as healthcare has become a “cost before compassion”
However, I do believe my
retirement will provide more time to post my observations, struggles, progress
and annoyances as I experience with my disability but also a platform to just
plain gripe about the stupidity that I see invading our daily lives.
What is happening to people, to society, to the world in
general? We have lost our common sense,
our manners and our humility. We have
replaced good behaviour towards others with an “it’s all about me” attitude. We tell ourselves that we have matured – to show
kindness is to show weakness. We now
walk with a swagger, talk with bravado.
Rules? Nobody is going to tell me
what to do! We have become
It was what I observed waiting outside the hospital where
I worked that had me think about all these changes that had occurred in my
It had been a re-occurrence I observed every several days
over a period of a month or two as I waited for my bus to arrive. An elderly woman driver rounded the
crescent-shaped entrance to our ambulatory unit and while still a hundred
meters away, started honking her horn repeatedly. As she coasted to a stop, an equally ‘age
challenged’ gentleman trudged through the hospital doors, obviously summoned by
her prearranged sonic command.
Utilizing his walker, he unsteadily made his way towards her car,
arriving out of breath in spite of his oxygen tank’s dangling tubes delivering
vital gas to his nose. The woman finally exited the car to stow his walker in
the trunk but offered little assistance in seating him within the vehicle.
I found myself increasingly annoyed listening to her
summoning horn honks and watching the impatience directed at her husband. A woman of her age should exhibit some public
On this day I confronted her as she stepped from her car
to summon her tardy companion. “This is
a hospital zone” I stated. “Why do you
disturb all those within earshot with your honking horn?” Well, this granny-like figure lit into me
without hesitation! She told me where quite
explicitly where to go with words that most hardened street thugs might not
have rattled off so fluidly. So I was
told off. And, she continued with her honking
behaviour, glaring at me with each subsequent arrival.
It was then I realized how foolish I was. How I heard her honking but not the cacophony
of noise that had enveloped the immediate hospital environment. It finally struck me why there was no 'Quiet -Hospital Zone' signs at our facility.
I listened to that ‘soup of sound’ in which I was
immersed and started to decipher the elements that had invaded my daily
world. Perhaps it is a defense mechanism
that pushes these sounds to the background so that we no longer hear them, that
they no longer invade our consciousness and drive us to insanity.
I heard:
I heard honking
horns. Not just the woman’s honks
summoning her husband, but honks as greetings, honks saying goodbye, impatient honks
sonically telling the driver in front to “move it!” Then there were the honks which occur when
you remotely lock or unlock your car door.
There were honks all around but it was ‘grandma’s’ that irritated me.
I heard the ear-splitting screech of the back-up radar warning pedestrians of reversing
vehicles. A sound so intense I was
afraid it would awaken the residents of our morgue.
I heard the teeth-rattling drone of multiple gas engine
powered leaf blowers operating at
7:00 am outside the hospital cafeteria.
Patient wards were nearby yet this grounds crew was armed with miniature
tornados rattled windows sent all sorts of dust and spores airborne.
I heard car
stereos blaring and booming the latest Hip-Hop for all to hear while the
occupant, head bobbing to the beat, was oblivious to those nearby. I thought I could see the automobile’s side
panels bulge outwards with each bass beat.
Cars frequently deposited a patient for their appointment and then
plugged up the laneway in wait for their passenger’s return, thereby avoiding
parking fees.
I heard a myriad of sounds and noises which now invade
our lives without our knowing. Like a
cancer which is not recognized until it is too late –and then can no longer be
ignored. Cars idling or revving, cell
phones chiming overlapping tones, truck tail-gates rolling down to a crashing
stop, squeaking wheels….you get it. It
is now the norm. Many no longer know the
joy of true silence.
A ‘Quiet – Hospital Zone’ sign would make no sense in
this new world of ours where all our ‘devices of both necessity and
convenience’ speak to us with sound. My
world had departed.
* * *
Read further only if
you wish to hear me both reminisce and bitch about the world that was, and the
world that is!
My, how times have changes, even since I was a child. World war two was certainly one of many
“bookmarks” in the world timeline.
Post-war it was obvious that the world had its fill of war, conflict and
killing. Much of the world had entered a
gentler phase which was reflected in the movies that were produced such as ‘An
American in Paris’ (1951) or ‘The King & I’ (1956) as well the television
shows we watched such as ‘I Love Lucy’ (1951 -1957) or ‘Leave It To Beaver’
(1957 – 1963). Such shows would not sell
in today’s market. Music was also
creative without spewing rabid anger or using offensive language. Buddy Holly and the Crickets sang about
‘Peggy Sue’ and Chuck Berry had us rockin’ to Johnny B Goode. This was the
world I was born into.
That gentler, peaceful, more courteous and respectful
time was to be short-lived. We began to
lose our worldly innocence sometime in the 1960s. Was it with Kennedy’s assassination, or the
development of the ‘cold war’, Vietnam, further assassinations of Martin Luther
King and Robert Kennedy? Movies, television
and music still resisted but the change was in the air. Cinema still managed to sell ‘The Sound of
Music’ (1965) however increasingly controversial topics were introduced ‘The
Graduate’ (1967) and directors utilized the viewer’s own imagination to conjure
up horror and violence such as Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’ (1960). Television had us watching ‘The Andy Griffith
Show’ (1960 – 1968) or ‘My Three Sons’ (1960- 1972) and violence went space age
with ‘Star Trek (1966 – 1969). Music was
‘growing up’ as well with protest songs (‘Blown in the Wind’ Bob Dylan or
‘Fortunate Son’ Credence Clearwater Revival) about war, struggle or inequality. The message came across clear and strong
without rage or expletives.
I am not so naïve to believe all was beautiful and that
the decades I mention did not produce any content which goes against my
argument. Yet, for the most part, I
believe it to be so…
And as the intervening decades passed, our anger grew,
our self-importance became first and foremost.
Independence and individuality outpaced society’s collective
values. Kindness became equated with
weakness, manners with conformity and politeness with hindering free
expression. The “Me Generation” was born
and was reflected in the cinema we watched, the television shows we tuned into
and the music which blared from our speakers.
We now consider ourselves mature, and worldly. We have become angry and aggressive. We know our rights, and nobody is going to
tread on them. Nobody is to tell me what
to do!! Anything goes! Only the strong survive! Musicals and variety shows are out - Bad
behaviour is in! Crude and vulgar
content rules. The most successful movies
have the highest body count and greatest gore.
The villain has now become the hero.
We worship the ‘bad boy’. “Music”
is often a monotone profanity laced rant against society, females and authority.
Video games exhibit engage in all sorts
of bad behaviour, from graphic executions to car theft and rape. They are the biggest sellers and of course
greed and the all mighty dollar rule!
Language is crude, rude and explicit whether in the media or in public. “Honourable” politicians are often the worst
Do the media ‘arts’ provide what audience wants….or does
the audience learn to like what the media feeds them? Does the media reflect who we are, or drive
us to become what we are?
We no longer walk with humility but swagger with bravado!
Yet it still makes me laugh. We have no problem watching, or permitting
our children to watch graphic killings, whether it is real as on the daily news
or simulated as in video games, movies or television shows. I cannot flip the channel without seeing
another person get shot. Yet we recoil
in disgust when two people, on the big screen or small, are engaged in
lovemaking. Yes, depicting sex in any media makes many cringe in disgust. Killing yes, Sex no! I'm not talking graphic porn -even an uncovered boob makes us crazy! Cover the children’s eyes – usher them
quickly from the room – then call the broadcaster to lodge your complaint. Make Love, Not War, has fallen on deaf ears…
Those same serial television programs show people being
killed every episode, in every conceivable gruesome fashion, yet they can’t do
so while smoking a cigarette. As we all
know, cigarettes will kill you and we must protect our children from such behaviour
(smoking, not killing) as it may indoctrinate them. It may entice them to try smoking, but
certainly won’t desensitize them from killing – don’t be silly!
Go Figure!
The world I grew up in had men removing their hats when
entering a public building. They opened
car doors for the ladies and walked closest to the curb so to protect their dates
from splashing cars. They stood to
acknowledge a woman entering a room. People opened doors for others and passed
that door off to those following behind so as not to slam it in their
face. We allowed people to get off of
buses and elevators before trying to clamber aboard ourselves and it was common
courtesy to give a woman your seat on a crowded bus. We
watched our language in public and said ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’ as required. It was truly felt, not just rhymed off
automatically. No, the world wasn’t
perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but there was a more extensive
practice of what was common courtesy.

observed an arriving
driver grumbling about not being able to find a wheelchair – then once finished
with the one he found, he kicked it into the snow covered flower beds for the
next patient. And of course whether on
public roads or on hospital property, drivers speed through the parking lots,
ignore signage and use speed bumps as launch platforms.

So in the end I suppose I am naïve. The world has grown up and I still long for
the kinder, gentler days.
I am too old to change.
Granny obviously wasn’t!
Sadly, I feel we need another world war to once again re-align our values and to realize what is truly important....That's if anyone would survive the next world conflict.....
A handicapped
washroom in my hospital I found it one morning.
* * *