Oh how I miss those days when your family physician, with his little black medical bag, came to your house when you were sick. A doctor that got to know his patients and often looking after them throughout their lives.
These days there's a waiting list to even find a doctor accepting new patients. I've had four doctors in about 5 years. Family physicians are considered to be standing on the lowest rung of the medical ladder. Higher pay and prestige lie further up. Can't fault anyone who wishes to improve themselves but the revolving door reality leaves much to be desired for our healthcare system.
My shaken faith:
- When in my twenties, four doctors, five if you count an allergist, failed to diagnose my sporadic bouts of rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating, weak and shaky legs, tunnel vision, disorientation and asthma. I believed I was about to experience an heart attack whenever a spontaneous episode would occur. I was sedated with Ativan or Valium and given a asthmatic "puffer" for my breathing. Now I was just sleepy or dopey when episodes occurred. It wasn't until I read a newspaper article of others experiencing the same symptoms that I could put a name to my symptoms: Panic Attacks. No doctor had used that term for my symptoms. A family member gave me some Anafranil (Cloprolamine) and said "take this, it settles my stomach". I had no stomach problems but at that point I was borderline suicidal and didn't care if I took someone else's prescription. After only a day, it was as dramatic as the curtains being drawn open to let bright sunshine in on a dark and dusty room. Symptoms were gone and I could discard the inhaler. I remained on the Anafranil for several years; a chemical imbalance in my physiology I suspect. My doctor at that time told me, "we know a lot more about that now." Too late to have helped me.
- In mid-2000 I experienced a severe debilitating backache. I had to hold onto walls as I inched from one place to another. I left work and came home to crawl into bed. I wanted to take a shower, but couldn't lift my leg up over the tub. Oh how I wish I could have and prevented my infection. I had yet to find another doctor, my most recent physician having left for more fertile ground. I went to a walk-in clinic where I was prescribed a muscle relaxant, then went back to bed (no urine culture, which might have offered a better outcome). How many days went by I cannot recall. I woke up one morning and my legs would not move. Taken by ambulance to the hospital, an MRI revealed I had a spinal cord abscess caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Surgery followed and I came out of the ordeal as a paraplegic. I can only speculate whether my outcome would have been different if I had my family doctor at that time.
- While in the hospital, recovering from my spinal infection, I lost hearing in one ear. At least two doctors, one twice looked into my ear canal with the otolaryngoscope but couldn't seen anything amiss. So that was that! I couldn't hear but nothing was wrong. Once discharged I saturated some cotton with hydrogen peroxide and stuffed it into my ear. I removed so much "black junk" from my ear canal which doctors couldn't detect. I could hear again. My ear had picked up some sort of infection from some hospital fomite (inanimate vector) such as a pillow.
- The most recent episode which continued to shake my faith in the Canadian medical system is described in the three previous posts. In April of 2022, I experienced severe spasms in my right leg which sprained to to such a degree that it would no longer support me in standing or transferring or more importantly, in stepping into our family vehicle as I had been doing for the previous fifteen years or so.
- Doctor No. 1, who I found after a year's search after having moved back to my hometown. He told me all I needed was rest - which was what I had been doing all winter up til this April episode. I went home and rested. I did recover to some degree but not to what I had pre-April, 2022. The strength, stability and tautness did not return allowing me to get into our family vehicle. My limited independence is now all but non-existent. I have to rely on disability transport.
- Doctor No. 2: Doctor No. 1 left
after about a year and a half with no one taking over his practice. He
had left me with a years worth of repeat prescriptions which was about
the time it took to find another doctor. At the "meet-and-greet", I
explained my April episode to the new physician. He ordered an EMG
[meaningless without a baseline to compare it to - a before and after to
see what changed] and an MRI [something specific diagnosis in mind or
just grasping?] The EMG was scheduled for early the following year
(2023) and just about that time I received and e-mail informing me that
he was leaving his practice; he was handing his practice over to another
doctor. [The EMG result confirmed that I was a paraplegic and nothing
more. Waste of my time and the taxpayer's money.
- Doctor No. 3: At the meet-and-greet, I was interviewed by, I assume, was a clinical assistant - prior to meeting the doctor, or so I thought. No, that was it. I've not met my new family physician yet though I've been to his office twice. I did hear from him though, When the previously ordered MRI result came in he phoned me with the result. I had previously heard from the Osteopath? or Neurologist? or their clinical assistant? who gave me a summary of the MRI results: I needed immediate surgery for a bone spur which was causing my spasms and I could continue to take my Gabapentin [nerve pain] and Baclofen [anti-spasmodic]. Huh, did you not read my chart to see that I'm a paraplegic and am on those two prescriptions for life [or miraculous biblical intervention]. Were they misreading my original injury for a new problem? I discussed this with Doctor No. 3 by phone and he patiently listened but I don't recall him challenging my assumption.
And so after hanging up I'm left wondering: Do I really have a bone spur causing additional problems. Do I need surgery? Was I misdiagnosed? Will I ever meet my new family physician or will all diagnoses and results be offered by phone?
At the time Doctor No.2 ordered the EMG and MRI he also sent me to a plastic surgeon regarding my finger contractures and to an orthopedic surgeon for torn tendons in my shoulders. The plastic surgeon injected one finger with cortisone and ordered additional x-rays and ultrasounds. After a half a year or more, I have not heard back from their clinic. nor my new family physician regarding the results - prognosis or possible treatment.
As for the torn tendons in my shoulders, I was examined by the Orthopedic surgeon and his assistants and told there was nothing they could do for me. I asked therefore if I should just learn to live with the pain? The doctor then asked me my age. I told him. He just smiled at me. The only way I could interpret his countenance was that I was close to death anyways, so why bother...
The summer of 2023 has for me been the summer of medical tests. Yet no issue has been resolved and there is nothing more on the horizon. I guess it's up to me to raise my fists and beat on their doors to do more to find out what ails me.
I won't even get into how the Canadian medical system hastened my dad's death. I've relayed it elsewhere in this blog.
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